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Non-silicon defoamer  (Solvent type)

Non-silicon defoamers (Solvent type)

Non-silicon defoamer (Solvent type)


The standard defoamer for solvent-based coatings, has strong defoaming ability and effectively inhibits foam generation.

    Product overview

    KEPERPOL®-712N is suitable for defoaming in thick coating systems , no benzene solvent.

    Physical data

    1. Effective ingredient: Non-silicon foaming polymer 
    2. Content: 20%
    3. Solvent:  Advanced environmental alkanes

    Product features

     1.The standard choice of defoamer for a variety of solvent-based coatings, with strong defoamer ability.
     2.Effective inhibition of foam, suitable for defoaming in thick coating systems , can avoid pinhole, heat rash and other shortcomings of the film.
    3.No benzene solvent, environmentally friendly product.
    4.Does not affect the interlayer adhesion.    

    Application test

    We tested and compared the comprehensive performance of KEPERPOL®-712N and B-052N in PU transparent primer and PU matte varnish.

    Compare items and methods

    1.Compatibility: The defoamer is added to the varnish of each system at a ratio of 0.2%, and tested the transparency of the paint.
    2. Shrinkage tendency/Levelling effect: Added 1% defoamer in paint,spraying after dilution.Observe the shrinkage phenomenon of wet film and the leveling effect of dry film.
    3.Defoaming ability :Add 0.2% defoaming agent to the paints, and observe the number of foam and the breaking speed after shaking five minutes.

    Test result

    Test item




         Foam inhibition property



    Bubble breaking ability


    Dry film transparency(0.2%)


    Wet film leveling(0.2%)

     Wet film leveling(1%)



     Dry film transparency(1%)




     Shrinkage tendency(1%)




    ◎ : Excellent, ○ : good, △ : average 


    The test results show that KEPERPOL®-712N has good defoaming ability and the best miscibility, does not cause shrinkage holes, extremely safe. Please contact us for more information.

    Additive amount (Supply form)

    For the total amount of formula: 0.05-1% 
    The best dosage needs to be obtained through testing 

    Application field

    Suitable for solvent-based coatings and inks

    Shelf life and packaging

    1. The  shelf  life  is  two  years, starting  from  the  date  of  production.When  stored, the  container should  be  sealed  well, and  the  temperature  should  be  between  0-40℃
    2. Packaging: 25KG/160 KG ,iron bucket.